MIND newsletter: A sustainable world - Us vs them?
Happy Saturday everyone!
1. M (Challenge your mindset)
The COP27 climate negotiation this year in Egypt goes around losses and damages – in lay terms, whether developed countries will support vulnerable and developing countries in addressing loss and damage associated with climate change impacts. While richer countries are speaking the language of the future, poorer countries are feeling devastating impacts in the here and now.
This made me think a lot in the context of human development – while many of us are privileged enough to plan for the future, for our career development, others are struggling to put food on the table today. With them, career development might not even exist.
A potential downside of working with identity or self-discovery on personal/professional development journey is that we, at one point, might start to establish our position, if not careful it will come with a big ego – “I’m so unique”. It’s “us” versus “them”. We hang out with people like us. We demean others that are different. The us’s have been killing the them’s for centuries through wars, genocides, and now on social media too.
Is there a way to stop that and build a sustainable world together?

2. I (I’m my own coach)
Have you ever wondered how your job could narrow that gap between us-them?
Could you? And more importantly, would you? I recommend having a look at “Careers in Sustainability” just released by McGill University. No matter which industry you are in and what job title you have, there’s always a way to contribute to UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The document suggests some job titles for each SDG and many useful job boards. It’s not perfect but it’s a good start.
3. N (The power of Now)
Which SDG(s) do you see your work contributing to?
4. D (Do)
I would ask you a favor to join us in our advocacy work with United Nations Day of Career and Livelihood. The establishment will provide opportunities to raise awareness about existing career and livelihood tools, programs and services while also promote high quality, accessible support for all individuals.
You can support us by:
- Sign the petition on our home page
- Share with your network
Thank you so much!