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MIND newsletter: Free will and determinism

Happy Saturday everyone! 😉


1. M (Challenge your mindset)

Free choices have been a recurring topic in my recent conversations with people. It often revolves around how to be an informed citizen. Just this week, my favorite podcast Philosophize this! initiated a conversation with the intriguing question, “What if free will is an illusion?


In the podcast, three things caught my attention:

  • The two concepts of free will and determinism should not be viewed as black and white, but rather as a spectrum. We can position our beliefs towards the left if we believe our choices are entirely free, or towards the right if we believe our choices are determined by external factors.


  • What truly matters is not whether the world functions based on entirely free will or determinism, but rather how our beliefs shape our behavior and the way we lead our lives and careers.

Now, let’s imagine a world with complete free will: How would that influence our perception of others? Would we judge or blame them for their wrongdoings? Would compassion even exist? In such a world, we might begin to feel an overwhelming burden of responsibility for every decision we make, leading to self-judgment, self-hatred, and regret.

On the other hand, in a world governed by hard determinism, would we have the motivation to make different choices? Would we be able to hold anyone morally accountable? Or would we resign ourselves to a life of blaming external circumstances for our thoughts, feelings, and actions, constantly playing the role of a victim?


  • Finally, the crucial question that was posted in the podcast: whenever someone takes any action, whether good or bad, how much accountability can we assign to them for those decisions? What choices do individuals truly have control over? Can we categorize people (and ourselves) as inherently good or bad?


Wheel of life

2. I (I’m my own coach)

One of my favorite metaphors, which I learned from my clients, is the concept of “rock and wing.” In this metaphor, the rock represents a comfort blanket that provides a sense of safety and stability, symbolizing our desire for security. On the other hand, the wing represents change, freedom, and adventure, but also uncertainty. It embodies our desire to explore new possibilities. Without the rock, the wing risks being burned by flying too close to the sun. Without the wing, the rock remains stagnant, unable to move and adapt. Eventually, mold will grow, and the rock will cease to be a rock.

Often, we struggle to confront our own internal dichotomies because we believe we must choose one side over the other. However, both within ourselves and in the world around us, everything has its counterpart, if not a third element. The beauty lies in the coexistence of these opposites, as it brings balance to our lives.

When I apply the spectrum of free will and determinism to the wheel of life, it adds depth to understanding the importance of striving for balanced control not only within each aspect of life but also across our entire existence. Let’s consider each aspect (e.g., in our career) on a scale of 1-10, where 1 represents taking full responsibility and exerting maximum control and 10 represents completely letting go and allowing things to unfold naturally.


3. N (The power of Now)

Reflect on where you stand in each aspect of life. How does your score change from one aspect to another? Are there areas where you lean towards a score of 1 and others where you lean towards a score of 10? What are your thoughts on these variations?


4. D (Do)

What adjustments could you make to restore balance in your life?


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